Schule und Unterricht 138 Language awareness I: The goddess «Fortuna» or «Fortune» has become part of our everyday-lan- guage as well. Work with the OALD and find: Compounds with «fortune» Idioms with «fortune» Adjectives derived from «fortune» Prefix un + «fortune» Language awareness II: Rephrase the given sentences with the words at the beginning without chan- ging their meaning: a. Although I will try out all sorts of medicine, your pity will have a healing effect on me as well. Despite ………………………………………………………… b. You cannot possibly remain the same person if you work with common players every day. It is impossible ………………………………………………… c. You accused me of my harmful deeds, but I think you should blame Fortune for them. You’d rather not ………………………………………..……… d. My situation is in a way hopeless, but I promise to take mea- sures against it. Inspiteof………………………………….……………………